Thursday, March 09, 2006


Last Sunday the title of my sermon was "How to Deal with a Cranky Person, even if that Person is You!" For the past few days several church members have asked me for a copy of the "10 Steps in Controlling Your Anger" that I mentioned in that sermon. Well here now are those 10 steps, and for those who didn't hear the sermon, an outline of the sermon is also included:

Three Things we learn about Uncontrolled Anger from the life of Moses:
1. We must control our anger. (Exodus 2:11-12; James 1:19-20; Ephesian 4:26-27)
2. In our anger, we must not destroy things. (Exodus 32:19)
3. Uncontrolled anger can prevent you from experiencing God's blessings. (Numbers 20:8-12)

Ten Ways to Prevent Anger from Controlling You:
1. Grow Spiritually (Study God's Word; Prayer; Going to Church).
2. Control and Slow down your reactions when you're angry.
3. Select your "Words" carefully.
4. Learn how to re-evaluate the situation.
5. Avoid ruminating (constant dwelling of an angry situation in your mind).
6. Know that critical people are Angry people.
7. Revenge must be resisted.
8. There must be confession to God and to each other.
9. There must be forgiveness.
10.Have a postive, optimistic attitude of thanksgiving and praise to God.

Please remember: None of the above can be accomplished without Christ in our lives. That's why the Bible says in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."


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