There are times in life when we just need to take a break, relax, regroup, be refreshed, and just learn from God and listen to what He has to say. This is not only true for individuals, but it’s true for an entire Church.
Last April 25 through April 27 of 2008, our Church took a nice relaxing break by holding a memorable retreat at the Casa Sirena Hotel at Oxnard, California. The retreat was simply called "Illumination" and it was led by our young-adults and youth, and organized by Nash Quintans.
The beautiful ocean setting, the scenic harbor, the unity and love of all the church members, the wonderful hotel accommodations, and most of all the encouragement of God’s Word (specifically the whole book of 1 John) helped to strengthen and refresh us all, and to help put us all back on track.
Our Lord is so faithful. He gets us through the storms and trials of life, and reminds us that our safe harbor and our rest is always in Him. Having our retreat at an actual calm and safe harbor just reinforced that lesson even more. God Is Good!
Please click here to view this wonderful retreat that we had. Just make sure your computer speakers are on, and enjoy the slideshow.
What a nice surprise! Finally a new post - it's been a while. I just happened to look at the new CICF website and clicked on Pastor Ed's blog just in case and there it was.
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