Saturday, April 16, 2011

MATTHEW 18:1-9


Sermon Notes based on Matthew 18:1-9

Four things God desires us to do:

1. Become like little children

2. Do not cause anyone to sin

3. Be aware of your sin and do something about it.

4. Take sin seriously

D Group Discussion Questions:
1. Based on Luke 9:46-48, why were the disciples arguing?
In what ways is the desire for power and position still very real today?

2. What are some examples of temptations that can cause us to not practice humility?

3. Little children don't care who they play with. Nationality, color,financial position, popularity, reputation, are all things they don't care about.
Divisions/Factions/Clicks are clearly condemned in God's Word (Galatians 5:20; 2 Corinthians 12:20). But why do people still do it, and how is this directly related to pride?

4. Little children are sincere and say what they mean.
People have a tendency to say things that they don't really mean. What are some examples of this?

5. Little children are good examples of those who exhibit sincere/honest feelings, forgiveness, and humility. What areas have you struggled in?


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