Saturday, March 11, 2006


One of the biggest challenges for any pastor is to introduce something new. That's because with new things there is change – and with change people are often taken out of their “comfort zone” – and when that happens, there’s always the possibility of opposition.

I thank the Lord that with the introduction of our new “Care-Groups” there was really no opposition (except maybe an intense question or two), and our church members are now seeing the tremendous benefits and blessings of having smaller sized home bible studies.

There are now many testimonies of how people who have never shared in a bible study are now very vocal because of a more intimate bible study atmosphere; and of how people who very seldom attended a bible study now regularly attend.

God is truly faithful as He leads our church step by step, and even changes things when necessary - that we may grow more in our faith and in our likeness of Christ.


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