Wednesday, August 30, 2006


To view a 3 minute Photo-Video of our Church Camp, first make sure your computer speakers are on and then Click Here.

Last August 18-20 our Church had it's 10th Annual Family Church Camp at Del Mar Beach which is located at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside. Our many thanks to Ate Cora for sponsoring us to be able to gain access to the beach.

Although I was on Sabbatical, my wife and I made a surprise visit on the Saturday of that weekend to fellowship with our church family. It was a fun time of fellowship, eating, playing in the beach, and games. The highlight of course was the baptism of five members followed by a Worship Service on the beach.

Pastor Alan who is our Associate Pastor, with the help of our Elders did a wonderful job officiating the baptisms of the following members: India Deal, Cionelle Bisquera, Daniel Custodio, Steven Anderson, and Gay Bautista. Pictured above is Pastor Alan (on the left), one of our Elders Bro. Ted Gonzales (on the right), and India Deal after just being baptised.

...and as usual, the Women's Ministry did an excellent job with the food, and the Men's Ministry also did an excellent job with the "muscle-work", tent-making, and many other duties to make our church camp safe and successful.


As I approach the end of my Sabbatical I find myself very excited to get back into ministry, to see all the church members again, and to share with the congregation the Vision that the Lord has shown to me during my Sabbatical.

These 3 months away from ministry was an enormous blessing as it allowed me to really focus on the Lord to discern His Will for our Church, something I really couldn’t do while I was deeply engaged in active (and busy) pastoral ministry.

In my 9 years as a pastor, I’ve never taken a Sabbatical vacation before, but now I realize the incredible benefits that come from it which allowed me to filter out the busy pastoral duties in my life, which in turn allowed me to better hear God’s voice and “recharge my batteries.”

On Sunday, September 3, I will be returning to the pulpit to share about my Sabbatical experience, but more importantly, to make clear to the Church our new vision and the direction that God wants us to take. It is my hope that I’ll see you there this coming Sunday, as we all “Produce Transformed Lives and Devoted Followers for Christ.”