It's been said that Landscape Photographers can easily be identified because while the general public tends to avoid stormy weather by seeking warm and dry shelter, the Landscape Photographer is the one running towards the storm to get the perfect shot. Why? Because stormy weather is usually the best time for dramatic lighting and spectacular cloud formations.
Just yesterday (March 3), the weather report was for stormy skies so I took the chance and drove to Treasure Island in Laguna Beach, California. When I got there I was really disappointed because with a thick cloud cover and a fog that was rolling towards the shore, the sun and horizon could not be seen and everything seemed to have been painted the color gray.
While I was standing there with my hands, ears, and nose freezing, I had to make a choice - leave now and call it a day, or just wait it out and see what happens. I chose the later.
About an hour and a half later something spectacular happened - the sun broke through! It was as if God tore a gigantic hole through the clouds! At first it was just a glimmer of light, but as it slowly emerged through the dark storm clouds the light became warmer and caused everything around me to liven up! It's so amazing to see the power of light as it turned a dull gray landscape into a warm, colorful, and vibrant scene!
So there I was, hands frozen but still trying to manipulate the settings on my camera to get the right exposure. Fortunately I was able to fire off several shots with various exposures before the sun disappeared again behind the dark clouds. The picture above is my favorite shot which shows the dramatic lighting and spectacular cloud formations that I was hoping for. (just click the above picture for a better view)
In all of this, I knew that God was teaching me something. God was reminding me that even times when the clouds are dark and everything seems to be gray, times when I am emotionally, physically, or spiritually weak, it is during those times that God puts me in a prime position to witness firsthand His power working in me. When all seems gray, I just need to patiently wait on God.
As people, our first instinct is to avoid the storms in life, to run away from them. But God has a reason why He allows the storms to come to us. It is during times of weakness that God reminds us that He is with us, and it's an invitation to depend on Him.
God has promised us in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."
Dwelling on our situation or others' wrongs against us only leads to resentment and self-pity. But if we seek the Lord and rely on the truth of His Word, we will discover the comfort and strength of His presence. Courage will enter our souls, empowering us to endure hardships and loneliness, and finish the course God has set for us.
Technical Info: 1/6 sec @ f/16, Canon 5D, Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L, 2 stop and 3 stop Neutral Density Grad stacked together.
Hi Kuya Ed or Pastor Ed,
You had popped in my mind a couple of months ago, but I didn't know how to get a hold of you. Thanks to google... there you were. This was really inspiring to me... I needed the reminded that "God's strength is made perfect in our weakness." Thank you. Just to mention, I also liked the "Afterglow" photo. It reminds me of Psalm 46:10 "Be Still..." I hope to visit your Church one of these Sundays.
Yours... because I'm HIS,
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