Last July 31, I took my family to see the famous 250 plus years old "Lone Cypress" as it sits on its strong rock foundation looking out into the Pacific Ocean in Monterey, California. When we arrived there we had just missed the last rays of the sun, but were still on time to see the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows of the setting sun's afterglow.
To me, the tree's symbolism is very profound: a solitary tree on the edge of the huge North American continent, constantly fighting against the wind, the rain, the waves, and the slow and steady erosion of the California coastline which endangers this trees own foundation and existence - one individual against the ravages of the world.
When you stop and think about it, we as people are kind of like that Lone Cypress, constantly fighting against the ravages of this world, namely, its worldliness, temptations, hostilities, and injustices.
As I see it, there are three choices we can make in regards to dealing with the worldliness of this world: First we can take the easy way out and just fall into the convenience of conforming with the world. Secondly, we can live a life of hypocrisy with one foot in the world and the other "supposedly" with the things of God (in the hopes of offsetting our worldliness).
And lastly, we can make the conscious decision to choose God and to live for Him. Not that we will perfectly live a life of obedience because God knows we're not perfect, but to strive to live for Him in faith and obedience to His commands, to recognize our sin and repent of it, to love what He loves, to hate what He hates, and to willingly allow God to change us, correct us, and transform us every day.
Remember, God is not looking at your programs or numbers, or your statistics of success to measure you - that's how the world measures you. What God does look at is your heart to see if you are faithful as you live in the midst of the ravages of this world.
The good news is this: Jesus has overcome the world, and He gives us that same victory through faith in Him.
Jesus said in John 16:33,
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
As we drove along the scenic "17 mile drive" back to our hotel room that night, I left with a sense of sadness and encouragement. Sadness because the day would eventually come when that Lone Cypress would be no more. Encouraged because that little cypress tree stands as a living testament to the qualities of endurance, perseverance, and the will to survive and not give up in spite of its exposure to hostile elements, qualities that you and I can also have as we put our trust in our God.
Yes, that Lone Cypress has a strong rock as it's foundation which has allowed it to last for over two centuries, but we have a much stronger, unshakable, and solid rock when our foundation is Christ Himself.
Technical Info: Canon 5D; Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L; 0.5 sec @ f/18; 0.9 Lee ND Grad.
Recommendation: Make the time to bring your family to see The Lone Cypress. Although various organizations are doing their very best to preserve this tree, it's still one of those beautiful wonders that may no longer be around in years to come.
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